A Special Service for Your Checking Account
At times, unanticipated expenses or unforeseen problems can leave you with too little cash in your checking account. Having a check returned due to insufficient funds can be a costly, inconvenient, and potentially embarrassing experience.
At Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, we do not encourage overdrafts. As always, we encourage you to manage your finances responsibly. However, we want to save you from the additional merchant fees and possible damage to your credit history that might result if a check is returned. That’s why we provide Overdraft Privilege*, a special overdraft service for Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank’s customers.
*Your Overdraft Privilege limit may be available to approve overdrafts for checks, automatic bill payments, recurring debit card payments and other transactions made using your checking account number. At your request, we may authorize and pay everyday debit card transactions using your limit. If an overdraft is approved, you may be assessed our Overdraft Fee of $30 for each item. All negative balances must be brought positive within 30 calendar days. Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank reserves the right not to pay if the account is not kept in good standing. Please speak with a customer service representative for more details.
For more information, go to Overdraft Privilege FAQs or print the Overdraft Privilege Disclosure.
Educational Resources
Checking Navigator
An online tool that provides general information to help you better understand how checking accounts work, how to better manage a checking account, and how to avoid overdraft fees.
AHEAD (Affordable Housing Education and Development)
A community based organization that provides affordable housing, credit and budget counseling, foreclosure intervention counseling, and financial assistance to families and individuals living in Coos and northern Grafton counties.
A nationwide, non-profit organization that assists consumers with credit card debt, housing debt, and bankruptcy concerns. WGSB customers receive free, unlimited access to services including budgeting, understanding your personal credit report, debt repayment, and avoiding bankruptcy, foreclosure, and repossession. The website features Greenpath University for online, self-help financial education training.
FDIC's Money Smart
An easy-to-use computer-based tool that teaches basic personal financial management. The game-based learning program offers tracks for both adults and young adults (ages 13 and up).